Day Twelve: Rehab and Taping
Blog Written: 3:50pm
Start: 9:10am
End: 2:35pm
Today’s Time: 4h35m
Total Time: 73h50m
Today, I started out with talking about rehab, and the procedure behind it. We covered the basics, like first starting out with pain and swelling management, so using ice bags, Game Ready, compression sleeves, braces, and crutches; this would start in the first 72 hours of the injury and through day 5. Then comes range of motion, so drawing the alphabets with your foot, the slant board, etc.; this happens after the first 72 hours and through day 5. Then strengthening, which includes banded pumps in 4 directions, balancing on the pad, etc.; this happens in the second week after the injury. Finally return to sport functions, so giving them drills and exercises that correlate to their sport; this happens after the second week.
After that, I helped Chris clean out the ice machine, which went by surprisingly fast. I got out all the ice by myself even though I had to almost get into the machine to reach the back corner to get all of the ice; it is a pretty deep machine. Once all of the ice was out, I was trying to clean it all out, but couldn’t reach the back, so Chris was joking that I should get into the ice machine, Kelly shot that down VERY fast.
Then, after I was done with that, I was able to tape someone’s knee, it was a rolling tape using only pre-wrap; this tape job is also the easiest one to do which is why I was allowed to do it.
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