Day Nine: Two Drills and a Game


Blog Written: 8:30pm

Start: 9:20am

End: 4:00pm

Today’s Time: 6h20m

Total Time: 56h30m

Today, we did a drill in the morning. Chris said that he fell in a game, and that his ankle was in excruciating pain. So since he was able to tell me what happened, and that we were inside, that ensured scene is safe and the ABCDEs. After that, I moved on to asking history questions, like what happened, did you hear or feel anything when you fell, and was your foot planted(emphasis on this one because he does have a history with injuries relating to having a planted foot). Then to observations, like swelling, discoloration, and deformity. Then we stopped at palpations, because I “felt” a spongy part on his fibula, also he yelped out in pain, which is also a pretty good indication that there is a very possible fracture. Then, a few minutes later, Chris collapsed, but he was still breathing and had a heart rate. But while I was doing a chunk test(poking around to feel for any deformities), he stopped breathing and he didn’t have a pulse, so I should have put oxygen on him before I did the test, but I wasn’t thinking straight because I have not gotten comfortable with how to manage emergency situations yet.

At the Boys Varsity Lacrosse game against Tilton, we won 14-11, there weren’t many injuries today, but there were a lot of penalties and yellow flags thrown into the air. I was able to make 4 ice bags for the players though.


  1. That sounds like quite a day- was Chris really injured and did his heart really stop? It sounds like
    you are in med school!! And on top of that Proctor won!


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