Day Seven: Wrist Taping and Lightning Protocols


Blog Written: 7:40pm

Start: 8:50am

End: 4:00pm

Today’s Time: 5h30m

Total Time: 45h40m

In the morning, I taped Chris’ ankle twice, then moved on to learning different types of wrist taping. I don’t know why, but it feels like my taping has gotten worse with practice compared to my first tape on Senior Project last week. I didn’t get a chance to practice wrist taping on Chris because he had a meeting that he had to go to. But I did practice on Bella Eaton, who is shadowing Kelly; I taped both of her ankles, and both of her wrists. 

After that, I went to lunch and came back to talk about lightning and just a little more about heat stroke and hypothermia on the turf field. For lightning, besides the numbers, it is pretty much common sense, if you see any lightning, it is definitely time to get off of the field. The numbers for the protocol are 15 miles, 10 miles, and 5 miles. When the nearest lightning strike is 15 miles away, it is time to alert coaches and tell them to keep it on their radar that they might have to have the athletes hurry inside. When the nearest lightning strike is 10 miles away, it is time to alert the coaches to hurry up, and make sure that they are starting to head inside. When the nearest lightning strike is 5 miles away, it is time to make sure that everyone is inside, and no one is on the fields. And the flash-bang- rule is every second counts as 5 miles. 


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