Week One Reflection

This week I learned about many things like taping an ankle, how to manage environmental situations, emergency situations, orthopedic management, CPR and airways, injury assessment, c-spine stabilization. Then on the last two days of the week, Chris was gone for a wedding, so I did some research on my own about the lack of ATs in high schools. I shadowed Austin, one of my committee members, on lacrosse games Friday and Saturday. For taping an ankle, I not only learned how, but also how each piece of tape placed down serves a purpose. For environmental situations, I learned more about how to prevent heat stroke/illness, the signs leading up to heat stroke, and how to manage a case of heat stroke and hypothermia. For emergency situations, I learned what my role is in case of an emergency, because I am not licensed or getting my license to become an AT, I would take a lesser role, like calling EMS, grabbing the AED, getting what the ATs need, and waving down EMS to show them where they need to be. For orthopedic management, I learned how to use different types of splints, like a Sam splint, a vacuum splint, and a traction splint. For CPR, I didn’t really learn much more than I already knew from earlier in the year, but it was a refresher, which was what I definitely needed. But for airways, I learned a lot, like what and how to use NPAs, OPAs, and iGels. For injury assessment, I relearned the history questions, observations, palpitations, range of motion, and special tests. For c-spine stabilization, I wasn’t able to do much besides help the feet during log rolls. During the Boys Varsity Lacrosse game, I learned that if something were to happen on field, and there was only one AT and me, I would go out with them to help, which, even though that case would be rare, I oddly felt appreciated and needed.

I really liked practicing taping, in fact it was probably my favorite, but if I was able to do more during the c-spine stabilization, then it definitely would have been my favorite. But I also enjoyed talking about emergency situations; part of the reason why I enjoyed talking about it so much was because we had the lecture outside, and it was such a nice day out that day.

I did have some expectations of being able to do more hands-on things, but that was definitely unrealistic, considering the fact that emergency situations rarely happen, and when they do, I would not be able to be a first responder.

Some benefits from this week have been being able to have one-on-one opportunities to relearn some of what I learned during Sports Medicine. Like taping, CPR, and talking through emergency situations.

For my taping goals, I am not sure that I will be able to achieve them this week or possibly at all, partly because I had a much higher expectation of what I would be able to do, partly because it takes me awhile to get a single tape job done in order to make it not bumpy and also because I have not done enough practice to be able to do it for an actual athlete. I am also not sure if I will be able to identify an injury. I just hope that even though I might not be able to complete my goals, that I will still be able to pass senior project


  1. Aspen-I loved your very realistic evaluation of your past week. I love that you were able to learn some very valuable specific things that you would be able to do in an emergency but also that you
    understand that without far more training you would be limited in what you would be able to do.
    I'm very impressed with how much attention and interest you have shown in just one week..


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